SOLD – Swedish M1894/14 Carbine – Refinished

SOLD – Swedish Mauser Model 1894/14 Carbine in 6.5x55mm Mauser. Made at Waffenfabrik Mauser in Oberndorf, Germany in 1895. SN: 587X. All numbered parts except for the bolt assembly match. The bolt assembly is #548. Has an “HK” inspector’s stamp. No import marks. (This was a pre-1968 import.) Professionally restored antique condition. This carbine was polished and re-blued, and the gunsmith did a nice job of it. It was not over-buffed, so the markings remain sharp. No pitting or damage. The bore is very nice–shiny, with sharp rifling. The walnut stock and handguard were sanded and a gloss varnish applied. No cracks or damage to the wood. Both the bore condition and unit marking discs are missing, but those are readily available on eBay. This should make a great shooter. (ACLF-146) Firm Price:  $1,275 – SOLD





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