Winchester M1895 in .30-40 Krag. Made in 1896

Winchester Model 1895 lever-action rifle, in .30-40 Krag aka .30-40 U.S. (Barrel is stamped. “30 U.S.”) Standard rifle barrel length. This rifle is in nice condition for its age! Both the bluing and wood appear to be original finish. Barrel is 98% blue. Receiver is 90% blue. Buttplate shows some fading, but no pitting. Has what appears to be factory original buckhorn rear sight in excellent condition. Original factory walnut stock with mostly plain straight grain, except for a bit of figuring near the buttplate. Forend has correct original black ebony at tip. Just a few very minor scattered dents and scratches, with no cracks. Has small, unobtrusive filler screws on left side of receiver, from a previously installed peep sight. Great mechanical condition, with a crisp, light trigger pull. Bore is nice with sharp rifling and deep grooves. Has serial # 548X, so it was made in 1896. (EUKS-820)




Production Date



Original price was: $130.00.Current price is: $124.00.
